Albacete International KNIFE SHOW

From June 10 to 12 2022 - XII Edition - Albacete (Spain)
Friday: 10:00h - 19:00h
Saturday: 10:00h - 19:00h
Sunday: 10:00h - 14:00h
free entrance


Del 10 al 12 de junio de 2022

albacete, España

Visitor RegistrationExhibitor Registration

visitor registration

June 10-12, 2022

I want to visit the knife show!

xII Edition

Ibercut is the International Cutlery Trade Show of Albacete (Spain), which from June 10 to 12, 2022 will celebrate its XII EDITION at the Palacio de Congresos de Albacete, in the event Albacete Meetings, III The World Cutlery Capitals Meeting

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Ibercut is the International Cutlery Trade Show of Albacete (Spain), which from June 10 to 12, 2022 will celebrate its XII EDITION.
A professional trade fair for the exhibition and sale of handmade and industrial cutlery products, auxiliary materials and related products.
Ibercut will allow manufacturers, artisans and auxiliary companies from all over the world to exhibit their pieces to thousands of cutlery enthusiasts with purchase intentions.

Great business opportunities between professionals, direct contact with exhibitors and various experiential activities around the cutlery will meet during the days 10-12 June at the Palacio de Congresos de Albacete, Spain.
What is Ibercut?

This year Ibercut will be held as part of the Albacete Meetings


Logos del Encuentro Mundial de Capitales, de Albacete Meetings y de Ibercut
The World Cutlery Capitals Meeting is a biennial event that has its beginnings in the city of Thiers (France), which concentrates the presence of international cities with history and cutlery industry. This event involves all the actors of the industry, cutlery articles, services, production, related activities such as maintenance, packaging, design, engraving, raw material, etc.

Companies from all sectors of this industry will participate in the event together with the different delegations from the invited cutlery cities. Currently there are 28 main cutlery areas in the world, with different sizes depending on their own history.

The first two world meetings of cutlery capitals were held in Thiers (France) in 2016 and 2018, receiving Albacete in the last one the baton for the organization of the next edition in 2022.

Albacete Meetings 2022 will take place from June 10 to 12, and will coincide with a series of business activities, such as Ibercut (XII Albacete International Cutlery Fair & Knife Show), the III Convención de Negocios (Business Conference); and cultural meetings such as the I Reunión de Museos de la Cuchillería (Meeting of Cutlery Museums) and the Exposición Itinerante de Piezas del Mundo (Itinerant Exhibition of World Pieces).
What is Albacete Meetings?
Activities and Workshops

Plenty of activities and unique experiences

Un martillo chocando contra el metal candente sobre un yunke
A spectacular list of activities by experts, like show cookings, blacksmith demonstrations, initiation workshops, and many more.

Enter the activities panel and find out more.
Previous editions

12 years of knife shows

The Feria Internacional de Cuchillería (International Knife Show) was born in 2010 as an activity framed in the I Congreso Internacional de Cuchillería (International Knife Congress). Since then it has been held annually, except last year when, due to the pandemic, it was adapted to a virtual format where about 50 exhibitors gathered in this remarkable event. In addition, along with the commercial activity, masterclasses, demonstrations, lectures and virtual visits were scheduled.
Organize your trip

Organize your trip with Viajes El Corte Inglés

Viajes El Corte Inglés is the official agency of the event in charge of the organization and contracting of logistical aspects (flights, transfers, hotels, etc.). With more than 80 years of experience and international presence.

It will be in charge of organizing all the logistical aspects of your trip, such as:
-Personalized assistance.
-24-hour assistance telephone.
-Management of flight changes and cancellation.
-Up-to-date information, until departure, of the "COVID requirements for entry to Spain"
-Accommodation services.
Viajes El Corte Inglés logo.

"Welcome to Ibercut!"

From APRECU, promoter of this event, we want to welcome you. We are the non-profit association created for the representation, management, defense and promotion of the professional interests of the craft, industrial and auxiliary sector of cutlery, backed by centuries of history.

A high percentage of the participating exhibitors already belong to the association. You can also become a professional member or collaborator and contribute to the realization of activities, promotion and, in short, to the defense of the cutlery guild. You can also benefit from important discounts and advantages.

If you want to know more about us, visit our website: For any questions, you can write us a WhatsApp to the phone +34617455670 or write us an email to
María Pilar Jiménez García
President of APRECU
Organizing entity
Explore Workshops!
Activities Panel
Don't miss any exhibitor!
See confirmed exhibitors
KnivesJ. Artesanales
Cuchillería artesanal por forja y material natural, para todo tipo de actividades en el campo
New in Ibercut
Bastards Knives
Materiales y/o aceros
Navajas y cuchillos de alta calidad, nos enfocamos en materiales de ultima generación, fabricación por CNC con la máxima atención al detalle. Nuestros diseños cuentan con los mejores artesanos internacionales como Carlos Queiros ganador de premios en el Blade Show Atlanta de este año al cual asistimos como primera empresa del sector y representando la marca España. Jürgen Schanz, uno de los más influyentes artesanos alemanes, Andy Goltz de Apeiron Blade works, Tim bernard, Jime Skelton, el español Miguel Barbudo entre otros
New in Ibercut
Fabricante de cuchillería
Horl 1993 GmbH
Knive sharpening system
No items found.
"Colocar el cuchillo. Afilar. Asentar. Este es el sencillo principio de afilado del afilador HORL®. Un nuevo método de afilado de cuchillos se redefine con el disco de afilado de diamante giratorio que se guía suavemente a lo largo del filo de corte con un ángulo de afilado constante. Esta combinación garantiza un resultado de afilado especialmente uniforme y reproducible para sus cuchillos favoritos."
New in Ibercut
Empresa auxiliar de cuchillería